Sunday, July 7, 2013

A return to the blogosphere, with old newspaper summer fashion in tow.

Goodness! It's been a terribly long time since my last blog post. Tsk, tsk. I have been quite busy, with both starting a new position, and, planning a wedding for October, if those are worthy excuses. I am determined to start posting more, however, particularly with cute wedding ideas and projects.

However, since I've recently starting working with old newspaper microfilms, it is only fitting I post some fashionable summer vintage styles from the early 1900's. I love, love that vintage is in!
If you want to see each image below more closely, click on the newspaper title. 

Bathing suits from 1916.  Quite different from today, women's swim attire consisted of often a hat, umbrella, skirt or dress, stockings, bloomers, flats, and a top with long or short sleeves. Swimming must have been such an ordeal! From the Burlington Free Press.

1914 Bathing "Costume." You can see the ruffled bloomers underneath the dress.
 From the Day Book

Just in time to block the sun, in a fashionable way, of course! Millinery (hat) styles from 1914. Love the "Helmet What?" and "Aeroplane." From the Day Book.

Straight out of Paris: Summer Evening Gowns from 1909. From the Los Angeles Herald.

Stripes are stylish now as they were 98 years ago. From the Day Book.

Such an adorable dress from 1915. I love her headband and fan; so sweet and summery! From the Day Book.

Lastly, some gorgeous wedding dress styles from 1922. The drop waist and draping on these outfits, combined with the headbands and long veils are just perfect. From the New York Tribune.

Happy summer! I'll post more later.