But back to my origami cupcake recipe. They're definitely not perfect, but still, super cute! I think I shall teach them in my origami class for kids next month at my library.
All you need is a square of paper (origami paper works best, though...you can purchase a pack at a craft store for $6-10). Some markers or colored pencils could be useful too if you want to decorate the frosting more.
Okay! Pick out a cheery pattern for your wrapper:
Now, flip it over so your icing side is showing, and fold your bottom corner up a little bit, like shown:
Next, fold the two side-wings of your paper, so that their ends are perpendicular to the base of the paper. [It's alright if they aren't perfectly even--mine isn't!]
Fold up the base of your cupcake so that a straight line is made for your cupcake wrapper.
Next step is kinda tricky if you haven't done origami before. Flip your cupcake to the other side and fold the sides of your cupcake from the front to the back at a slight angle, like so:
With your cupcake still face-down, make slight folds to the corners of the cupcake frosting. This will make your cupcake frosting round, not pointy!
Yay! Almost done! Flip your cupcake to the front. Fold a small triangle from the back to the front, like so. Alternately, if you don't want a cherry/chocolate chip top, you can fold backward, so the top of your cupcake is flat.
Flip your cupcake around again, so the front is facing down, and make small folds at the top to round off the top of your cupcake.
Flip it around one more time, and your cupcake, if done correctly, should look something like this:
Last step: decorate your cupcake! I added sprinkles to this one.
I might just have to go make real cupcakes now!
If you have any suggestions or questions about this origami cupcake recipe, please comment below.