Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cheerful Alphabet Block Magnets!

Do you ever get in lulls where you cannot think of anything to do that is of remote interest? I find myself in that situation quite often. Especially in the middle of winter! Anyway, I was especially bored one evening a few weeks ago. So was my boyfriend. We were bored of playing video games, definitely weary about the prospect of cleaning, and not interested in venturing out in the cold. On reflecting on our lack of interesting projects, we found ourselves in the kitchen looking at our very unexciting refrigerator with absolutely nothing on it. In an ah-ha moment, we set out to decorate it.

Our idea: homemade refrigerator magnets! But with what? 

Digging around my cluttered craft bin, we found a bag of wooden blocks. What could be more cheerful than making our own alphabet blocks? 

We used acrylic paint and fine-tip markers on the wooden blocks which worked just lovely. We bought a pack of 48 small round magnets at our local craft store for $5 and hot glue-gunned the magnets to each block. 

Yay! Our refrigerator looks infinitely better now! 

I imagine there is so more you could do with this! :) 

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