Saturday, December 5, 2015

Granny squares galore

Well, near half a year has passed. I might just be the worst blogger out there (at least on my own, haha!).

I've barely had time to stop, though, these past six months. Finally, after so long, I find I can stop and breath for a day. Along with breathing, I've making a ridiculous amount of granny squares with my new-found craft talent of crocheting!!

The above doily was actually an experiment that came out quite well! I used this pattern for making a circular granny square, but instead of making a square on the 4th round, I opted for doing six triple crochets in-between each group of 3 crochets from the 3rd round. So, the 4th round would be: 6 tc, 2 dc in the spaces between, repeating until the end. Then you get a really nice scalloped look all the way around. 

So cheery for the holidays!! 

Now, on to what I should do with all those granny squares.... 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

on the lost arts

Recently, I’ve been spending some time on a poet’s correspondence in the archives. There is something to that captured bit of these people’s lives, in that moment. Little bits of history, scraps of someone’s thoughts, events, captured permanently, and then sifted out by a stranger’s hands. We no longer write letters to each other. We call, we text, we abbreviate and condense. Sometimes I am tired of texting even and think it’s just not enough to tell someone exactly of my thoughts, events. But I can’t make myself call. Mailing a letter is too slow. I don't even have my friends' emails. Emails are for work. So I leave out bits and text the important parts and chop up my language and my thoughts even more.

But these letters--to take that time, to write on a typewriter 2, 3, 6 pages of text front and back and cram more in ink on the sides and the envelope. There wasn’t enough space for their words.

We send cards now as novelties, I’d argue. It’s funny that so many of us don’t take the time to write a letter, because I don’t think the excitement of receiving mail has diminished for us. Most of us just get cards around Christmas and it’s darned exciting to open up those cards and slap those up on the fridge or on the table. But they’re brief too, you know. A sentence, mostly pictures. Half not signed, but rather mass-addressed. Last year James and I sent out one of those picture cards from Rite Aid. 

But I just can’t recall the last time I got a letter. I'd reckon the moment I'd start writing one too I would find it darn challenging to write just a bit over a paragraph. Or maybe it wouldn't be so hard. Maybe I'd just not be able stop, like those letter-writers in the archives with their zig-zag ink-covered pages. But I can't see myself writing one any time soon.

Where will the archivists be when dissecting a person’s collection from today, I wonder? A folder for Facebook posts from 2014? For Tweets? Blog posts? I cannot say. Likely they will take up less space in storage, I suppose.

I spend much of time in the past, with what I do. It's always at the back of my mind like a nervous itch, one I'm too lazy to scratch, when I read the words of those before us: 

where will our words be, the words we think to ourselves and shorten for a text? The words we leave unwritten and unsaid, because it took too much time and there was too little space.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sewing adventures: kitty pillow!

I was quite excited to set up my sewing machine after a few years of it sitting in a closet. As much as I love sewing by hand, golly, I am completely enamored by the speed and accuracy of a sewing machine. Am hooked! 

One of the things I aspire for most in life is making cute things. Thus, I was quite pleased with this test sewing project. 

If you're interested in what I used to make the cute faces of this two-faced pillow: some felt and a hot glue gun. Also this project took less than an hour. :) 

Happy Sunday!!!! xxxx

Monday, February 16, 2015

Salad Fingers

Did you ever watch that online cartoon? It was terribly creepy slash hilarious, and it suits a dreary winter evening that just seems to linger on. One realizes quite quickly that it could be worse. :P

Sunday, February 8, 2015

in honor of the tiny house movement

Ah, what else is there to do on a snowy, oh-so-cold morning, besides making tiny adorable origami houses? Also, I recommend eating this while making the petite community.

This is a fairly easy origami task, requiring two sheets of square paper--one to make the roof, another to make the bottom. I found this recipe on my most favorite origami website. Try it yourself: Tiny House Recipe on Origami Club.

A snowy village!

The village relocates to the kitty's lair.

The kitty examines the new village...

And decides it is unacceptable. 

:( :( :( 

Shall test out other recipes for architecture in the near future. 

Happy Sunday, wherever you are! ^_^

Sunday, February 1, 2015

New/old art in our petite apartment

Our newest addition (above) Only problem is we are officially out of wall space!  Below: art arrangements about the space. We are fortunate to have tall ceilings!

What's lovely about these pieces is that all of them were free, handmade, or from an antiques or thrift store. Have you an amazing vintage find that adorns your walls? 

Friday, January 30, 2015

snowy day poetry writing

trapped in the apartment

the hidden little things
that you thought I'd never know
carefully stored and stocked
in those secretive little spots
up so high
in the corner 
next to the stove
under the carpet
between the cereal and the rice
a piece there, a secret here

oh yes I'd not have known
had you not let it out
while squeaking with your friend
the other mouse