Saturday, December 5, 2015

Granny squares galore

Well, near half a year has passed. I might just be the worst blogger out there (at least on my own, haha!).

I've barely had time to stop, though, these past six months. Finally, after so long, I find I can stop and breath for a day. Along with breathing, I've making a ridiculous amount of granny squares with my new-found craft talent of crocheting!!

The above doily was actually an experiment that came out quite well! I used this pattern for making a circular granny square, but instead of making a square on the 4th round, I opted for doing six triple crochets in-between each group of 3 crochets from the 3rd round. So, the 4th round would be: 6 tc, 2 dc in the spaces between, repeating until the end. Then you get a really nice scalloped look all the way around. 

So cheery for the holidays!! 

Now, on to what I should do with all those granny squares.... 

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